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Book Descriptions :

In the tradition of Madeline Miller and Claire North, Lilith is the story of the first woman, who was expelled from Paradise for disobedience. In this retelling of the Hebrew myth [NM1] that justified and explained woman's subjection to man, Lilith will have her revenge - however long it takes.In the Garden of Eden, at the beginning of time, an outrageous lie is born: that women are inferior.Lilith and Adam are equal and happy in the Garden of Eden. Until Adam decides Lilith should submit to his will and lie beneath him. She refuses - and is banished forever from Paradise.Demonized and sidelined, Lilith watches in fury as God creates Eve, the woman who accepts her submission. But Lilith has a secret: she has already tasted the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Endowed with Wisdom, she knows why Asherah - God's wife and equal, the Queen of Heaven - is missing. Lilith has a plan: she will rescue Eve, find Asherah, restore balance to the world and regain her rightful place in .

Book Details :

Author : Nikki Marmery

Pages : 336 pages

Publisher : Alcove Press

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 81069444-lilith

ISBN-13 : 9781639105724


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